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Who we are

We are the Community of Life and Alliance 'Reborn in Pentecost' founded on January 1, 2009, generated by God and born from the Priestly heart of our Founder – Fr. Moacir Anastacio de Carvalho. Its mission is to evangelize the unbaptized, baptized but not evangelized, and to go wherever the Lord sends us. Our charism consists of "living the spirituality of Pentecost in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, loving charity in all its dimensions and evangelizing in all possible and unimaginable ways."

We are the Reborn in Pentecost and our mission is the charisms:

Living in the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

We want all men and women, spread throughout the world, to live under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with the same joy, hope and enthusiasm of the first communities. Worshiping the Lord and glorifying His Name.

“Suddenly there came a noise from heaven, as if a mighty wind were blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were gathered. 2: 2)

love charity

We want to love charity in all its dimensions and we want to be the servants of the Lord. We are in the service of one King, one Lord, and we do not recognize any other Lord than Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Evangelization without Borders

Evangelize by all available, possible and imaginable means. Cinema, internet, radio, newspaper, television, magazine, books, music. We want to witness the power of God's word, through all expressions of the Holy Spirit. We hope in his word, which says in Joel: "it will happen in the last days, it is God who speaks, that I will pour out my spirit on every living creature. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and your elders will dream I will pour out my Spirit on my servants and on my handmaidens in those days, and they shall prophesy."

We are witnesses of the Word of the Lord which says, "Whoever believes in Me, from within, rivers of living water will flow."

We are Witnesses that a new Pentecost has taken place, and is taking place.


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